

To install Bonfig simply run:

pip install bonfig

Note that Bonfig requires Python version 3.4 or greater, and has no external dependencies.

Getting Started

Basic Bonfig

Here is a super basic Bonfig:

>>> from bonfig import Bonfig, Store
>>> class Config(Bonfig):
...     store = Store()
...     A = store.Field('a value')
...     B = store.Field(10, name='Berty')

We create a Bonfig by declaring a class that inherits from the baseclass Bonfig.

Then we say we want to store configuration values in an attribute called store by assigning a Store to its value.

Following from that we create Fields A and B whose values we’ll store in our store, and we set B’s name to ‘Berty’.

So now we can create an instance of Config:

>>> c = Config()

And we can fetch parameters from that instance:

>>> c.A
'a value'
>>> c.B

By default, Bonfig instances are created and then ‘frozen’, meaning that parameters cannot be set:

>>> c.A = 'Overwrite'
TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment

However you can prevent the freezing process by setting keyword argument frozen to false when creating your Bonfig instance.

>>> c = Config(frozen=False)
>>> c.A = 'Overwrite'
>>> c.A

Bonfig also plays well with inheritance, for example if we wanted to extend Config with a few more attributes, that’s no problem:

>>> class ExtraConfig(Config):
...     extra_store = Store()
...     C = extra_store.Field(3.14159)
>>> c = ExtraConfig()
>>> c.A
'a value'
>>> c.C

Using Different Stores

So far, nothing has really happened that you can’t do with a regular class.

But let’s look at our ExtConfig instance c let’s check out the values of store and extra_store:

>>> c.store
mappingproxy({'A': 'a value', 'Berty': 10})
>>> c.extra_store
mappingproxy({'C': 3.14159})

We can see that the values of our Fields are actually stored in their respective stores. Oh yes, and the key by which c.B is stored by is ‘Berty’ as we set all the way up the top (I knew there was a reason)!

Despite first impressions, there is no magic here, it’s just Python. Once our Config has been defined, behind the scenes, Bonfig sets up 2 additional class attributes:

>>> ExtraConfig.__fields__
{<Field 'A' stored in store: val=a value, default=None>,
 <Field 'Berty' stored in store: val=10, default=None>,
 <Field 'C' stored in extra_store: val=3.14159, default=None>}
>>> ExtraConfig.__store_attrs__
{'extra_store', 'store'}

Upon initialisation of our Config, these are used by Bonfig.load(), which replaces the Store class attributes with dictionaries as instance attributes of the same name:

...     def load(self, *args, **kwargs):
...         for store_attr in self.__store_attrs__:
...             setattr(self, store_attr, {})

Each field knows which store it belongs to, and where its value is stored, so when you ask an instance for a Field value it’s actually just looking it up in its store.

You might wonder why go to all this fuss to control where attribute values are stored, however this makes sense if you want to start loading and storing values from various places.

For example, perhaps you want to load values from JSON, whilst others are fixed for your configuration. By overloading the Bonfig.load() method, we can initialise Field values from this JSON:

>>> import json
>>> class JSONBonfig(Bonfig):
...     json_store = Store()
...     A = json_store.Field()  # Leaving val blank ensures values loaded in load won't be overwritten during Field.initialise
...     dict_store = Store()
...     B = dict_store.Field(360)
...     def load(self):
...         self.dict_store = {}
...         self.json_store = json.loads('{"A": 180}')

And now we can seamlessly access attributes loaded in completely different ways on our configuration:

>>> c = JSONBonfig()
>>> c.A
>>> c.B


A common format for loading configurations is the .ini format. These files can be parsed using the standard configparser module, storing them as a dictionary like object - configparser.ConfigParser.

In the above examples, our Store is converted into a dictionary, however, we can very easily modify this behaviour by overloading the load method. Bonfig really doesn’t care what the store ends up being as all it does is try to use __getitem__ and __setitem__. So if your object can do that, it’ll work as a store for Fields. As it happens configparser.ConfigParser objects fit the bill, as such they work great as Stores.

However, .ini files require each value to be looked up both by a key and a section.

Bonfig can help you out with this by providing the Section type, that make it easier to build up hierarchical structures:

>>> import configparser
>>> class INIConfig(Bonfig):
...     store = Store()
...     SECTION = store.Section()
...     A = SECTION.Field()
...     def load(self):
...         self.store = configparser.ConfigParser()
...         self.store.read_string("[SECTION]\nA = Value")
>>> ini = INIConfig(frozen=False)  # Don't implicitly turn store into MappingProxy

And looking at ini expectedly we see:

>>> ini.A
>>> ini.store
<configparser.ConfigParser at 0x14927ee9470>

But how does c.A find its value c.store? Well we know it could find it like:

>>> ini.store['SECTION']['A']

And in-fact this is exactly what INIConfig.A does! Every Field has an attribute Field.keys:

>>> INIConfig.A.keys
['SECTION', 'A']

When a Field fetches its value, Bonfig will try each key in this list heading deeper into a Store until it runs out of keys, when it will return the value found. Any Field created by a Section will have that section’s name prepended to its keys attribute.

Typed Fields

Going back to the .ini example, the values found in configparser.ConfigParser objects can only be strings, which can cause issues:

>>> class INI2Config(INIConfig):
...     NUM = INIConfig.SECTION.Field()
...     def load(self):
...         self.store = configparser.ConfigParser()
...         self.store.read_string("[SECTION]\nkey = Value\nNUM = 123")
>>> c = INI2Config(frozen=False)
>>> c.NUM
'123'  # meh

Luckily, Bonfig provides the specialised Field types - IntField, FloatField, BoolField, DatetimeField and :py:class`.PathField`.

These convert values from their given type to strings as they are inserted into their Store (using a method called pre_set), and then convert them back into their given type as after they’re fetched from their Store (using a method called post_get). This means these types can still be used in configurations, even if their Store is only compatible with strings:

>>> class FixedINI(INI2Config):
...     NUM = INI2Config.SECTION.IntField()
>>> c = FixedINI(frozen=False)
>>> c.NUM
123  # Woo!

Bonfig Initialisation Arguments

The final useful bit of Bonfig that I think is really worth knowing about is that you can pass positional and keyword arguments to Bonfig.load():

>>> class Argumentative(Bonfig):
...     store = Store()
...     A = store.Field()
...     B = store.Field()
...     def load(self, a, b):
...         self.store = {'A': a,
...                       'B': b}
>>> c = Argumentative('foo', 'bar')
>>> c.A
>>> c.B

Any arguments provided to __init__ are passed on to load (apart from frozen!).

Going Easier on the Eyes

In an effort to make your Bonfigs look a bit nicer, you can use Stores and Sections as context managers which creates a nice visual indent making visible where a section starts and ends. Additionally, it can get a bit tedious writing store.X, section.Y all the time, so you can also use the as keyword to provide an alias for them. All of this can help tidy up complex Bonfigs.

>>> class Long(Bonfig):
...     store = Store()
...     with store.Section('Alphabety') as A:
...         Aa = A.Field('a')
...         Ab = A.Field('b')
...         Ac = A.Field('c')
...         Ad = A.Field('d')
...         with store.Section() as B:
...             ABa = B.Field('e')
...             ABb = B.Field('f')
...             ABc = B.Field('g')
...             ABd = B.Field('h')
...     super_long_store_attr = Store()
...     with super_long_store_attr as s:
...         FINALLY = s.Field('What a major keystroke saver!')
>>> c = Long()
>>> c.store
mappingproxy({'Alphabety': {'Aa': 'a', 'Ab': 'b', 'Ac': 'c', 'Ad': 'd'},
 'B': {'ABa': 'e', 'ABb': 'f', 'ABc': 'g', 'ABd': 'h'}})
>>> c.super_long_store_attr
mappingproxy({'FINALLY': 'What a major keystroke saver!'})