XLRange and XLCell

These are the objects used within xl_link to represent ranges and cells within excel.

These objects have a ton of methods, making them powerful in themselves.

The primary way of getting ahold of these objects is from an XLMap:

>>> from xl_link import XLDataFrame # Rather than pandas DataFrame
>>> f = XLDataFrame(data={'x': list(range(10)),
                          'y': list(range(10, 20))})
>>> xlmap = f.to_excel("book.xlsx")

Get some XLRanges and XLCells

>>> xlmap.index
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!A2:A11>
>>> xlmap['y']
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!C2:C11>
>>> xlmap.loc[3, 'x']
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!B5>

if needs be, you can create them yourself:

>>> from xl_link.xl_types import XLRange, XLCell
>>> start = XLCell(1, 1) # using row, col
>>> start
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!B2>
>>> stop = XLCell(1, 8)
>>> between = start - stop
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!B2:I2>
or using XLCell.range_between
>>> between = start.range_between(stop)
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!B2:I2>

and you can get their location in excel notation via XLCell.cell and XLRange.range respectively:

>>> start.cell
>>> stop
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!I2>
>>> between
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!B2:I2>
>>> between.range

For convenience add the f prefix for a formula compatible version:

>>> start.fcell
>>> between.frange

And if you prefer to use this notation to initalise you XLRange s and XLCell s, that’s find too, using from_cell, from_fcell, from_range and from_frange:

>>> XLCell.from_cell("A6")
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!A6>
>>> XLRange.from_frange("'Another Sheet'!D2:R2")
    <XLRange: ''Another Sheet''!D2:R2>

Using the translate method finding relative positions is simple:

>>> new_start = start.translate(0, 2)
>>> new_start
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!D2>
>>> new_stop = stop.translate(0, 2)

XLRanges also support a range of indexers:

>>> new_between = new_start - new_stop
>>> new_between
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!D2:K2>
>>> new_between[-3] # integer
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!I2>
>>> new_between[3:] # slice
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!G2:K2>
>>> new_between[np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], dtype=bool)] # boolean arrays (for use with Pandas!)
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!E2:G2>

Iterate over 1D ranges:

>>> for cell in new_between:

Over 2D XLRanges you can use XLRange.iterrows():

>>> square = XLCell(0, 0) - XLCell(3, 3)
>>> for row_range in square.iterrows():
        for cell in row_range:
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!A1:D1>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!A1>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!B1>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!C1>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!D1>
    <XLRange: 'Sheet1'!A4:D4>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!A4>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!B4>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!C4>
    <XLCell: 'Sheet1'!D4>