Customizing Cassini

Customizing Cassini’s behaviour is simply done by making changes to your file.

Simply define your own Tier classes by either subclassing some of the defaults, or using the base class TierBase:

from cassini import TierBase, Project, Home

class MyHome(Home):

class TopTier(TierBase):

project = Project([MyHome, TopTier], __file__)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Check out the API to see the methods and attributes that you might want to overload.

To make changes to the gui, create you own gui class and then simply set the gui_cls attribute of your Tier:

from cassini.ipygui import BaseGui

class MyGui(BaseGui):

Home.gui_cls = MyGui

# or

class MyTier(BaseTier):
    gui_cls = MyGui

Each Tier creates its own gui_cls instance upon __init__, passing itself as the first argument.

Using Tier.meta you can store and retrieve JSON serializable data. You may find however, that you have more complex typing needs, or simply that tier.meta.my_attr is a bit too cumbersome. Cassini provides the MetaAttr that you can use when you subclass TierBase:

from cassini import BaseTier
from cassini.accessors import MetaAttr

class CustomTier(BaseTier):
    shopping = MetaAttr(post_get=lambda val: val.split(','),
                        pre_set=lambda val: ','.join(val))


>>> tier = CustomTier()
>>> = ['spam', 'ham', 'something canned']
'spam,ham,something canned'
['spam', 'ham', 'something canned']